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A Mothers Work

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:07 am
by Irene
Went to the WA Bush poets muster last night in Perth, and sat having a good chat with Terry afterwards - must have done something for me, 'cause wrote this on the way home today - don't know where it came from tho!! Just need to convert these little prods to something worthwhile now!!!

A Mothers Work
© Irene Conner 07.09.12

I’ve been a worker all my life;
I’ve been a mother and a wife.
I’ve juggled sports for ev’ryone –
it’s kept me busy, on the run.

I’ve worked long hours to lighten loads
when workmates walk down troubled roads.
I’ve carted children here and there
while their lives flow without a care.

I’ve picked up drunken men from pubs
and carted ice for esky tubs.
I’ve been a sounding board for all;
when trouble strikes then I stand tall.

I’ve worried when the cash runs low,
and through life trials that ebb and flow.
I’ve been a confidante for kids,
and searched in vain for lunchbox lids.

I’ve been a nurse through long, dark nights
and refereed kids many fights,
and been accountant in the home;
the worry-wart when children roam.

I’ve been to meetings, busy bees –
from digging holes to planting trees;
have soothed the egos easy frayed
of those who work but don’t get paid.

I’ve sorted clothes thrown on the floor,
and done the wash – to find there’s more!
And spent long hours in kitchen heat;
been told “That isn’t what I eat!”

I lay my head in weariness
and dream of Mothers’ sweet caress,
‘til through the dreams I wake to see
more mother tasks that wait for me!

Re: A Mothers Work

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:18 am
by mummsie
Enjoyed it Irene. So true, but we would'nt change a thing, would we-would we?

Great to have you back.


Re: A Mothers Work

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:40 am
by r.magnay
...simple but excellent as usual Irene....even a hard working bloke like me will have to admit you sheilas will generally round us up in the work stakes... ;)

Re: A Mothers Work

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:32 am
by Heather
A mother's work is never done is it Irene? Good to see you writing again,

Heather :)

Re: A Mothers Work

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:25 pm
by Rimeriter
"G'day" Irene.
Reminds me of me Mum, me dear wife and my eldest sister Irene (deceased).

Re: A Mothers Work

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:36 pm
by Terry
Hi Irene I have already commented on this; It's a really nice poem, very well written and I enjoyed reading it.


Re: A Mothers Work

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:20 pm
by Neville Briggs
as Maxwell Smart would say...." and loving it " :)

Well done Irene. :)