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Rhubarb Jam

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:50 am
by Zondrae
In good faith and to boost the 'poem' input I offer this little sweet one.
It was, as I am sure you can feel, a spontaneous piece. One of those that write themselves and require very little effort. I often discount these as being too simple to enter in competition. One day I will give it a try. (but in a comp that allows poems that have been on 'the web')

Rhubarb Jam
 Zondrae King (Corrimal) 12/11

Now just how do you class Rhubarb?
I know it isn’t fruit.
I’m sure it’s not a vegetable
and it is not a root.

We always eat the Rhubarb stem.
There's poison in the leaf.
A handsome plant of varied sizes
It’s life span isn’t brief.

One thing I know about Rhubarb
some like it, some do not.
I know that once my rhubarb’s cooked
I’ll eat it cold or hot.

Some like it stewed with apples in
but me, I like it straight.
My plants are in the garden bed
beside the chook yard gate.

I went to see my daughter and
I had a nasty shock.
Her plants are twice as big as mine.
They come from better stock.

So picking some, I took it home
and now I’m elbow deep.
It’s all been washed and cut up fine.
It’s in a great big heap.

I've never eaten my Rhubarb
on bread when mixed with ham?
I know soon I’ll be trying it
on toast as Rhubarb Jam.

I promised, if I made a batch
I’d give my daughter some.
I know because I love Rhubarb
the jam will be just yum.

There you go MartyB - have a little taste of this one.

Re: Rhubarb Jam

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:59 am
by Maureen K Clifford
I did Zondrae, and it is a beaut poem, rich and fruity and crafted with love just like home made jam - you might want to fix the typo of try to trying though.

I've never eaten my Rhubarb
on bread when mixed with ham?
I know soon I’ll be try it
on toast as Rhubarb Jam.



Re: Rhubarb Jam

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:05 am
by Zondrae
Thanks Maureen,

You can't have too many pairs of eyes when it comes to the semi-final draft.

You know I've read that poem about 30 times and I didn't notice I had goofed. Oh well that is typical me. A Libra through and through, Always 'see' what we want to see and not what is really there. I won't cast the blame on this dickie key board! One day I will 'post' exactly what the first run through turns out. I bet you won't be able to figure out what I'm trying to say. Sometimes the letters stick, (particularly the right top line, yuiop ) the space bar doesn't always work and so on. It is a real challenge.

The jam was nice. I had to cut the Rhubarb in very short pieces though, or it would have been very stringy. My best jam is from my Apricot tree's harvest. I don't give any of that away.

Re: Rhubarb Jam

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:45 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Hey Zondrae I'm a Libran too :lol: :lol: Go and buy a new keyboard - they're not expensive Big W and K mart have them from about $20 and they are even cheaper if you buy on line

Check them out here ... fs_11166_e__



Re: Rhubarb Jam

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:22 pm
by Neville Briggs
As the Goons would say...rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb. :lol: :roll:

Very good Zondrae. I like the way you have used something very ordinary and not particularly adventurous or romantic to turn it into a poem ;) :)

Re: Rhubarb Jam

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:29 pm
by Heather
Mmmm, yummy Zondrae. I love rhubarb and apples stewed. Not so sure about with ham though! :)

Heather :)

Re: Rhubarb Jam

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:52 pm
by Peely
G'day Zondrae

Technically speaking, rhubarb is a vegetable - it is not the ovary of the plant. Anything that is a plant ovary is a fruit. Pumpkins, green beans and zucchinis are fruits (even though many refer to them as vegetables).


John Peel

Re: Rhubarb Jam

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:51 am
by Zondrae
Thanks to everyone who replied,

sometimes you (I should say, I) post something and get very little reaction. I would prefer someone 'pick' at a little fault in my poems rather than have no response. Oh dear, I have just opened myself to 'slings and arrows'

Maureen, do Kmart etc carry MAC keyboards. They are a little different from pc's.

Re: Rhubarb Jam

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:31 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Zondrae I don't think they carry them specifically but possibly something compatible - but there are a couple on this link that would probably suit and their price is reasonable ... lia/542476

Re: Rhubarb Jam

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:56 pm
by Zondrae
Thanks Maureen,
all suggestions taken on board.

Thanks John, with Rhubarb, as we eat the stem (the leaves are poisonous) it wouldn't matter whether they were vegetable or fruit. Better follow doctors orders and go back to bed.