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What the ....

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:29 pm
by Leonie
The discussion going on in general at the moment sent me off on a tangent, and this silly little poem popped into my head and won't go away. :oops: Maybe if I post it. :( :)

What the …
Leonie Parker © 2010

I like to scribble poetry and like to know my rhyme
is ev’rything it should be so I’m checking all the time.
I use an online diction’ry from out of USA
and I am quite bewildered by the things they sometimes say.

For instance I went looking for a word to rhyme with boobs.
They had a few to chose from. There was lube’s and tubes and cubes.
But then I spied a word that I had never seen before
so I went searching for a definition (what a chore).

The dictionary said they didn’t have a definition
even though they were the ones who made it an addition
to the list of rhyming words suggested on their site
so I went off to Google thinking that would solve my plight.

Google told me that the word might be a proper noun,
and sent me off to Wiki but my ‘puter then shut down.
I think maybe it burned out something somewhere in it’s tubes,
so I’m still sitting, wondering … what the hell’s galoob’s.

..... Actually it is a toy manufacturer in the states, apparently?

Re: What the ....

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:38 pm
by Heather
Funny where things take us isn't it Leonie? From a question about rhyme and the mention of boobs, we are now so much wiser because we know(?) what a galoobs is!

There, do you feel better now?

Heather :)

Re: What the ....

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:16 pm
by Jasper Brush
Ha, chuckle. :D

Great insight into online dictionaries. :shock:

I'm not going venture into galoobs! Hmm... maybe I could have phrased that better. :D

Good poetry, Leonie.
