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A Mother Gone

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 3:48 pm
by Irene
I am doing a eulogy at the funeral of a good friends mother on thursday - this was written as a verse for their card to hand out.

A Mother Gone
©Irene Conner 01.05.2012

Two arms that always held us dear
Have left our earthly realm.
A family in mourning now,
No Mother at the helm.
We’ll cry our tears forever more,
Her voice we’ll long to hear,
But memories within our hearts
Will hold her ever near.

Our Mother shaped us lovingly
To be the ones we are,
And from her final resting place,
She’ll be our guiding star.
A loving Nan no longer speaks
To guide her grandkids’ way,
But she’ll be watching over us
Through every lonely day.

Reflect upon the good times shared,
Don’t linger on her death.
She’s in the breeze that gently swirls,
She’s in our every breath.
She rests in peace with loved ones gone
But she will not depart
For she will live forever in
The recess of our heart.

Re: A Mother Gone

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 5:54 pm
by Dennis N O'Brien
Nicely done Irene

Re: A Mother Gone

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 6:33 pm
by Bob Pacey
a touching and well written piece Irene .

Well done


Re: A Mother Gone

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:30 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
The family would have to be happy with that Irene - it is beautiful :cry:

Re: A Mother Gone

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 12:23 am
by Irene
Thank you.
Yes Maureen - they were happy with it. And so am I - mainly because it was one of those ones that write themselves almost!!
Penny asked me last night about one, and they had to have it to the funeral director by 1030 this morning, so got up this morning and wrote it before work - so I was really grateful for the flow of words.
I am hoping that the inspiration that has been sadly lacking lately continues to creep back!!


Re: A Mother Gone

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 10:24 pm
by Terry
Lovely words Irene,


Re: A Mother Gone

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 8:15 pm
by Robyn
Lovely Irene,and I'm sure the family will appreciate you taking the time to write something especially for their Mum.It shows you care.
Well done.