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Saying goodbye to . . .

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:45 am
by Cas van Loon
A few had gathered to say goodbye to an old mate
the last journey, delayed, didn't matter if it was late
had seen many a change, realised it's time had come
made many friends, always great pleasure to be welcome

It had been a long journey, years, travelling this great distance
dispensing, going along, hope and everyday sustenance
there are those of us remembering when you were a novelty
you were the only lifeline, out there, for keeping our sanity

Sharing with people happy, sad, poignant moments in time
but, despite some setbacks, always coming down the line
travelling tough country, covered in blue bush, wattle scrub
knowing, with your passing, we did belong to unique club

Slowly, on your last journey, moving along as in years past
knowing, but not savouring, that this really was the last
it was the realisation that soon you would be no more
becoming part of history, remote Australian folklore

Life was so much better with you on the vast Nullarbor Plain
where would we have been without you, Tea and Sugar Train
magic of many moments, shared in our hearts, will never die
this is the reality of progress, it wasn't easy to say "Goodbye"

( this Poem was done when the Tea and Sugar Train was decommissioned )

Re: Saying goodbye to . . .

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:09 am
by Irene
Hi Cas
That train would have been a life-line to many people!
A great tribute.


Re: Saying goodbye to . . .

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:37 pm
by Cas van Loon
hi Irene, at the time Iwas at the Illawarra Folk Festival and someone from the Railway Society was there asking people if they had any Poems about the Railways that could be published in the Railway Workers monthly. Yours truly piped up and my Poem was duly accepted for that purpose. It was about a month after the train had been de-commissioned.
In my own little way some of my Poems have a little history attached. Thanks for the comment and Wish you A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love, Cas :)

Re: Saying goodbye to . . .

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:54 pm
by Glenny Palmer
Goodonya Cas. Another insightful piece by your fine self. Funny how poets often 'see' much more than the apparent, eh?
Always enjoy reading your work....don't always get much time to pop in lately though....but on the up now. (I say that every Christmas.)

Glenny P

Re: Saying goodbye to . . .

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:19 am
by Zondrae
G'day Cas, Irene and Glenny,

Looking forward to Illawarra Folk Festival, Cas, and hearing some more of your wonderful travelogues.

Irene and Glenny, we retired folk often forget that there are still some people who must work. I don't envy either of you. Irene, because I worked for 8 years as a Doctors receptionist and know how stressful it can be. Glenny, because I can understand how difficult it is for a woman to live by her wits and have to 'make her own way' in the world.

Now that I have become, in my later years, an early riser I realize how much time I have wasted by sleeping til 8am. Now I'm up at 5.30 or 6am and using every extra minute. Ukulele lessons coming on fine. Sewing for Ryan's school, curtains, tablecloths, a giant snake pillow, giant backdrop for the stage, finished for the year. Dresses for Matilda and her Barbie dolls. (see facebook). Not to mention the garden. Wayne gives a hand with the veggies (we don't buy any in the spring/summer/autumn months) but the decorative stuff I do myself. At night while the TV is on I either knit or crochet or sew (if I don't I bite my nails). All in all I have to make myself stop other things and take time to write.

It must be so much more difficult for you both.

Re: Saying goodbye to . . .

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:21 am
by Glenny Palmer
Geez Zondrae, I’m so witless at times that the thought of ‘living on my wits’ is a tad worrying.

I guess retirement or not boils down to being a choice. I choose to pursue my business in order to maintain my little home, so I can continue to enjoy the wallabies & birdlife at my door in the early mornings, & beautiful bush evenings. I could choose otherwise & forego all of that, but I enjoy running my entertainment business….in between all of the other ‘stuff’ that sounds remarkably similar to your days (minus the knitting.) eg helping 2 daughters both buying properties at the same flaming time! Moving house x 2 will be the next ‘joy’, & then there’s a great tribe of Grandkids all baying for Grandmother’s attention. Not to mention assorted bachelor loved ones who are entirely unequipped to sort out the messes they get themselves into, let alone keep their larders full. (My bro came to live 4 doors down from me so I could ‘look after’ him. He actually texts me ‘have you got any cake?’ And then has the gall to text ‘is home delivery likely?’

‘Making my own way’ was another of my choices, & apart from the joy of choosing when & how I come & go (pardon the pun) it has the added benefit of not having my shower tray filled up with the assorted moltings of that ‘other species.’
I can’t speak for Irene, but I’d hazard it’s actually a lot less difficult. Different horses for different courses I guess.

I trust you’ll have as restful & fulfilling a Christmas as I’m looking forward to. (Same goes for you Cas. Keep that pen of yours sharpened to versify the carryings on in your camp during the festive season.)


Re: Saying goodbye to . . .

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:04 pm
by Cas van Loon
Hi there my friends Zondrae and Glenny, It is always interesting to read the comments you both have about my Poetry. It is a practice of mine to just pick a topic out of daily life and put my thinking and writing cap on. It usually every three month, otherwise one forgets what Bush Poetry is all about and loose the skills one has acquired over the years. Always thought that the older one gets the less sleep one needs which is happening in my case, so don't wear out the mattress but get up and write a few lines, good for the soul and brain.So another year has passed and hope it has been what you expected. wshing you and your families a Holy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Till we meet again, Cas ;)