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Christmas Decorations

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:42 pm
by Zondrae
Along with other members who are preparing frantically for Christmas. I thought I would re-post this one.

Christmas Decorations
© Zondrae King (Corrimal) 10/07

“Oh! can I help you, Grandma?” I heard our Matilda say.
It’s getting close to Christmas and I find that, in a way,
it’s little ones who give us all the will to carry on
in times when we are weary and our energy is gone.

The time is here. Out comes the tree and ornaments of old
all packed away year after year, such memories they hold.
It takes so long to get them out. Each one holds mem’ries dear
That’s why they’re wrapped so carefully and kept from year to year.

Now this one, I hung as a child, a real treasure true.
It started out as one of six but now it’s one of two.
Its felt has long been faded but I see that little elf
as bright as when I first saw him, still new, on DJs shelf.

And Deep down in the bottom of the trusty storage chest
are some that I no longer need to hang with all the rest.
Some stars we drew and coloured in that year we were so poor,
a time when I thought Santa and his sleigh would pass our door.

Though we had little money we could make do if we planned.
We painted up a kiddies bike that we got seventh hand.
Some brand new stickers made it look, to our small child at least,
just like a famous, really wanted brand they call ‘The Beast’.

Some paper chain around our tree and pop corn on a string.
Remember Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ our king.
Our children were so happy with such simple things back then
some lollies and a picture book, a puzzle and a pen.

I’ve added many ornaments and treasures through the years.
I find that some are wrapped with laughter, some are filled with tears.
There’s just one decoration that I hope I always see,
a happy family gathering around my Christmas tree.

I quickly took some photos as we shared this special day
to add to other Christmas treasures that we pack away.
I hope that one day she’ll look back as Christmases unfold
on Christmas decorations and the memories they hold.

Re: Christmas Decorations

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:17 pm
by David J Delaney
The memories one little faded piece can bring is amazing Zondrae, wonderful poem.

Re: Christmas Decorations

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:05 am
by Zondrae

Today is the day... I will be performing the ritual. Lights, tree, decorations all that. Only thing is Matilda goes to big school now, so I am on my own again.

I would have done it yesterday but it's been raining for days and I spent the day wrestling with my old pc. Trying to resuscitate it so I can print some books. I can't do it with the Mac because the books were formatted in 'Publisher' and not supported by Mac technology. Also I can't figure out how the make the printer do duplex printing. I could do it with this printer on the pc. I know I could do it manually but I am used to a set up that allows a book, completely collated, at the press of a button. I was able to set up a run of five or ten, that I only had to staple and trim. Oh well, if I want books to sell at the three festivals I have lined up for the new year, I will just have to apply myself and knuckle down to some hard thinking.

Re: Christmas Decorations

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:57 am
by David J Delaney
G'day Zondrae, you are doing better than me, I would'nt know where to start in personally printing a book, all the different applications, fonts, sizes etc. etc. etc. just bamboozal me.

Good luck with your festivals, I'm starting to get so nervous as I'm one of the 'headliners' at our local 'Carols by Candelight', I'm reading 2 Chrissy poems of Doc's. (Stephen)

Because we are going to Brissy over the Christmas break I'm not putting up deco's this year.

Re: Christmas Decorations

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:01 am
by Leonie
I usually put the chrissie decorations up about now too, but I can't seem to get into it this year. Maybe next week.

Re: Christmas Decorations

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:05 pm
by Zondrae

Well with my excursion to talk to Macca today I have fallen behind. Don't think I'll get it done. But the intention was good. I'll concentrate on housework today and think about the tree tomorrow. I have, I'm pleased to say, finished shopping for gifts.

Re: Christmas Decorations

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:57 am
by Zondrae
morning all,

Oh! Whoops, - Lucky I checked, I almost posted this poem again. Tree up but I did it alone. Matilda is at big school now. Little brother, Lucas, almost 3, is not the decorating tree type. He will be/is more the "where's the axe?" type.

Christmas Decorations

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:19 pm
by Zondrae
Found it over on page 3. This is the last of my Christmas poems. I have spent 1/2 an hour trying to put a photo on but can't do it.