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Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:01 am
by Zondrae
Just thought I would throw this one on....

©Zondrae King 05/09

Cho-co-late will make you fat! With this I disagree.
I rarely feed on chocolate and take a look at me.
I tip the scaled at 80k. It’s crept up over years.
The fact I weighed 60 once reduces me to tears.

I sometimes visit burger land and eat until I am stuffed.
The big one and a fried desert, a shake and - phew I’m puffed.
So now I must reiterate; no Cho-co-late in sight.
So choc’late hasn’t make me fat. I told you I was right.

Sometimes I go Italian and a pizza is my choice.
That pastry disk with basal, olives, cheese, tomato sauce,
but I don’t eat a whole one, no, I’m really not a pig
I let my husband have a piece, that way it’s not so big.

On Saturday we often go to walk beside the sea.
A lunch of battered fish and chips looks awful good to me.
And when the chips are eaten, and before we head for home
we see the Ice cream parlor and we drop in for a cone.

And Sunday night my husband cooks, that means ‘go to the club’
The menus not too varied pasta, pizza, fish, good grub.
A sirloin steak with mash and veg and naturally a beer,
just show me if you’re able, where’s the dreaded choc’late here.

Now you can see my argument of all the things we eat
it’s portion size and how it’s cooked and what comes with your meat.
Chocolate is not a villain, it alone won’t make you fat.
It’s all the other junk we eat.

------------Would you like fries with that?

Re: Chocolate

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:05 am
by noelcauser
Zondrae your dreaming again. But if so where do you hide it!!!!

Re: Chocolate

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:51 pm
by Neville Briggs
Well done Zondrae. Applause. :P :lol: :lol:

Re: Chocolate

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:32 pm
by Heather
It's a jungle out there Zondrae! Thanks for the offerings!

Heather :)