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In Sickness and in Health

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:58 pm
by Irene
This poem was written on reflection of the difficulties faced by married couples when one partner becomes unwell, and they face the choice of having to look at hostel/hospice care.
I guess it is also a reminder for families and health professionals to understand when one half of a couple is reluctant to place their partner into permanent care.

In Sickness and in Health

© Irene Conner 19/06/07

For sixty years our marriage has enriched my humble life.
You are the rock that links us all – as mother and as wife.
but now they’re telling me that you should leave our home to die;
they say that you’d be better off – my heart begins to cry.
I promised you in sickness and in health.

I see you in your glory as if only yesterday.
I feel the same undying love as on our wedding day.
We promised we would never part until the day we die –
our friends were witness to our pledge beneath that summer sky.
We made our vows before the eyes of God

When times were lean, I left you home alone with kids and farm.
You held it all together and you kept our kids from harm
while I was out a-droving over dusty desert plains
to try and earn some money as we waited for the rains.
You’d promised me for better or for worse.

And when that wild horse threw me, I was laid up past a year –
you struggled to support us but you never showed your fear.
You worked the farm, and raised the kids - at night time you would clean,
but still your loving, happy smile kept flashing in between.
You’d promised me in sickness and in health.

Then when the kids were adults, we could kick back and relax;
we spent our days out trav’lling over dusty outback tracks.
We travelled up the coastlines and enjoyed our time alone -
We knew our love would weather any obstacles we’re thrown.
We pledged to stay ‘till death tore us apart.

But slowly, like a thief at night, your mem’ry slipped away –
no longer from our little farm could I get you to stray.
You felt the safety that was there, and didn’t want to leave.
And as I saw you sinking down, my heart began to grieve.
I promised you for better or for worse.

And now your weary body is so frail, and you’re confined
to lie within our marriage bed – they tell me I’d be kind
to place you in a hospice where you’ll have the best of care,
but they don’t know our promises that both of us still share.
I promised you in sickness and in health.

Re: In Sickness and in Health

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:07 am
by Dave Smith
G/Day Irene

I like the way you write and think; this poem shows a lot of insight
"For Better or for Worse" - "In Sickness and in Health" those vows still mean that even in this day and age.

We have 53 years married and still think the same as we allways did.

Goodonya Irene.


Re: In Sickness and in Health

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:23 am
by Kym
Oh that's so sad IRene! And as Dave said, beautifully linked with the marriage vows being repeated from both sides. They weren't just meaningless words on their marriage day, they were a promise. Beautiful as always ...

Re: In Sickness and in Health

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:35 am
by william williams
Twenty five years of marriage this time round
And I wish there were more but more will come
Yes there have been rough times and there always will be
But at least we are together and always will be
Thanks Irene

bill the old battler

Re: In Sickness and in Health

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:10 am
by Irene
Thank you Dave, Kym and Bill.

Having worked in the health/aged field, it is a dilemma that I have seen many times. It is such a hard decision to put the one you love into care at the end of a long, happy life together and I always feel for them when they are struggling with the need to do so.


Re: In Sickness and in Health

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:09 pm
by Heather
A beautiful poem Irene. I agree with what the others have already said.

Heather :)

Re: In Sickness and in Health

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:48 pm
by Neville Briggs
Good on you Irene. I wonder what we could make with the " for better for worse " part of it.???

Re: In Sickness and in Health

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:02 pm
by Irene
Thank you Heather and Neville. Glad you enjoyed it.