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I Wish......

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:09 am
by Irene
Yesterday, I actually got over to the bushverse site for the first time in months, and learned Zondrae was going away on holidays, so Bernie is holding the fort on weekly topics!!
With continuing computer issues at work, along with all new programs and rather stressed and frustrated staff, the topic was so appropriate!!!

I Wish……
© Irene Conner 09/08/11

I wish I had an easy job where I would only be
the one who simply works, with no responsibility;
someone who walks in ev’ry day and does as she is told
and walks away without a care as end of day grows old.

I wish I had a job where there was no technology
with no need, at the end of day, for pop psychology
to clear way the stresses of computers that frustrate
and drive staff to distraction with the problems they create.

I wish I could be open with the words I’d like to say
with no thought for another, or the image I display;
be free to vent frustration while another keeps her calm
and lets her presence soothe us like some gentle, healing balm.

I wish I had a magic wand that filled us all with joy;
with patience for the stressful things that currently annoy;
with tolerance when things go wrong that causes us to wait.
But, failing that, I guess such trials I’ll have to tolerate!!

Re: I Wish......

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:08 pm
by Zondrae
G'day Irene, (With a little delay, I'm not away yet.)

Having worked in surgeries a long time ago, I understand some of the stress you have to handle. But the Irene I have come to know over the past few years will come out the end of all these trials and smile in satisfaction at a set of probmels conquered.( And extract many poems about the ups and downs.) Hang in there and just look up occasionally and remember there is retirement to look forward to when you can 'baby sit' your grandkids.... what joy you have in store.

Re: I Wish......

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:31 pm
by Terry
Hi Irene,
It must be difficult just having to deal with the public, without having the responsibility of having an office to run as well.
Hang in there, there are better times ahead.


Re: I Wish......

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:29 pm
by Kym
My sentiments exactly IRene. So many truths in there, but this is my favourite:

I wish I could be open with the words I’d like to say
with no thought for another, or the image I display;

I hear ya sister!!!

Re: I Wish......

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:51 pm
by Bob Pacey
One thing I hear a lot of people say is They made me mad or She / He forced me to be rude.

One thing is for sure no one makes you do anything that you do not want to do.


Re: I Wish......

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:20 am
by Irene
Hi Zondrae - yes, right now I am certainly looking forward to retirement!! Especially to the 'babysitting'!!
And yes, we will eventually get through the issues we are dealing with at the moment (at least, I certainly hope so!!! :lol: )
We have had computer problems for months, and have just now changed over to new programs and hardware, which our head office kept telling me would be the end of all our problems. Only someone forgot to tell the computers and printers that they are new, and should be working correctly!!
New programs to learn + malfunctioning equipment = stressed staff and Doctors!!

Hi Terry - 99% of the time, I enjoy working with the public, but sometimes it wears thin!! :o Our Drs cover emergencies in the accident & emergency department in our health centre, and the most frustrating thing I find is when the Drs are dealing with an emergency, and someone comes out with "But all I want is a script - it won't take a minute!!" Helloooo????? What part of 'Dr is in an emergency' don't you understand???? But of course, you can't say that!!! :roll:

Hi Kym - yes, that is my favourite too!!!!! Wouldn't it be nice to be able to say exactly what you want to say?????

Bob - you are correct!! More people should realise that!! :)

Having made all those comments, I do really love my job - just venting!!! And when you are dealing with people who are sick - you do have to be a little more understanding and caring!! ;) :)

Re: I Wish......

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:36 am
by Neville Briggs
That's a great poem Irene. To me it was clear and straight to the point. Easy to understand.

I thought that the line lengths, the rhythm and the pace, were all well suited to the subject.
The length of the lines and the use of a few longer words seemed to make the pace slow and I thought that was just suited to what you were talking about.

I think ( I've been instructed ) that good clear sentences are essential for effective writing in both prose and poetry, and in your writing here, I think that you have succeeded.

Irene wrote:the one who simply works, with no responsibility;
Become a politician ;)

Re: I Wish......

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:31 pm
by Heather
Nice thoughts Irene. I wonder if there is such a job. Be nice to just walk out the door and not take your worries home with you.

Heather :)

Re: I Wish......

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:55 pm
by Bob Pacey
Come and join me. The worse thing I have to worry about is Did I turn the tap off !!!!


Re: I Wish......

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:01 pm
by william williams
Don't Worry Irene You can come and work with me working conditions are super fantastic but the wages are bloody lousy

bill the old b