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Re: True Believers

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:13 am
by Neville Briggs
The workers
Will never be defeated

Re: True Believers

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:44 am
by Leonie
United - that's the key word, and the hardest to achieve I suspect in today's world where the mantra seems to be every man for himself. My partner worked at a place about five or so years ago where a walk out was organised for some reason or other, can't remember the details of the why of it now. Anyway they all went down to the pub had a couple of drinks and congratulated themselves on their stand then went their separate ways. Some went home and some sneaked back to work. :roll:

Re: True Believers

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:20 pm
by Jasper Brush
G'day MB,

Let me say your poem is the truth and as far as metre goes didn't miss a beat.

I'm a Labor voter and during my working days a paid up union supporter. It was compulsery anyway.

Rudd the reformer.

Most voters are backslappers and champagne drinkers and wouldn't know the difference between pairing and patronage.
