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Why Me?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:37 pm
by Zondrae
An early poem that I refer to in 'Kym's Party'.
Haven't looked at this one too technically. It is a great performance piece. - gets 'em reaching for the tissues every time. (me too)

© Zondrae King (02/05)

Why does it always have to be me
who turns off the light or turns on the TV
who vacuums the carpet or answers the door
and picks up the toys scattered over the floor.
Is it because I saw your first smile?

Why is it always that I am the one
to stop the adventures or cancel the fun.
Why must I call out ‘ok that’s enough”
when tempers are rising and play gets too rough.
Is it because I found your first tooth?

I want to know, who made it the rule
that I was the one who would take you to school.
I stood at the gate and I tried not to cry.
Why did I have to smile as I waved you goodbye.
Is it because I heard your first word?

Why am I always expected to know
the rules of the game and the name of that show.
And why do you tell me that things are not fair
when I won’t allow you to shave off your hair.
Is it because I kissed your first bruise?

Why is it I lay awake every night
worrying if you will turn out all right.
Will todays modern practices lead you astray
or have you been listening to things that I say.
Is it because I lead your first steps?

Yes I know that its time and you’re going away.
You think you’re all grown and you leave me today.
Why do I pray that I’ve taught you enough
and the big world outside here won’t treat you too rough.
Is it because I wiped your first tear?

What will I do when I don’t need to say
will you please clean your room and put your things away.
And that din you call music, I’ll miss it a lot
but I know that the shower at least will be hot.
Will I recall how you fed at my breast?

Now who’ll do your washing and make sure you eat
and lend you some cash when you find ends don’t meet.
Will the space and the quiet be too much to bear?
And when you don’t phone does it mean you don’t care?
Can I stop wond’ring if you are safe?

I know that I raised you to stand on your own
I’m proud of the person you are now you’re grown.
Why would I hope that you might think me wise?
and why is it me who still offers advice?
Why me? Just because I’m a mother

Well, that'll learn me - it's a mess, but to late to try to 'fix' it. I have done it so often that I would never remember any alterations.

Re: Why Me?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:57 pm
by Heather
It's lovely Zondrae and I wouldn't "Fix" it.

Re: Why Me?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:50 pm
by Trisha Patterson
Very reflective Zondrae...I know where you are coming from!

Re: Why Me?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:47 pm
by Jasper Brush
G'day Zondrae

Nothing to fix.

The last line in each verse is the clincher.

Fulfils the truth.


Re: Why Me?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:20 pm
by Zondrae
g'day all,

I have had another ripper of a day. I won't bore you.

Thanks so much for your kind words. When I sat down to write this I was a little put out by my children. It began as a list of complaints but ended up as so much more.
I love the bit about "who'll do your washing etc." . this is one of the gripes I was having at the time. I had sat my kids down and asked if they thought they had magic cupboards that changed dirty clothes into clean ironed ones.

Re: Why Me?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:13 am
by Dave Smith
“Why Me” cos’ ya love em to bits. And mate It doesn’t stop our phone will ring, Nanna n Pop this or that has to happen and we’re in the car and gone, bring you’re jammies you my have to sleep over
It never goes away. AND that’s good. :P

I love your poem . :)

TTFN 8-)

Re: Why Me?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:00 pm
by Zondrae
G'day Dave,

Our littlest Grand, comes in.."Cn I have ice bock, cn I have bickies, cn I have lollies". "Hollo Gramma".

Well he is only two and a half. and his big sister aged 5 going on 20. Runs in gives my legs a hug and says, "I missed you Grandma. Did you finish my dolly's dress?" Yep how blessed are we. We grumble to each other about the mess but who want's to live in Myers window? The only bad thing is they don't stay long enough.