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The Ballad of the P-Plater

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:04 pm
by Peely
Written as homework for the Illawarra Breakfast Poets weekly topic, P-Platers.

© John Peel 29/7/08

“Gidday, me name is Justin Brown and I’ve just turned eighteen
and I’m the greatest driver that the world has ever seen.
I’m heading down to Vicroads now, I’ll pass their driving test
and then I’ll go out on the road and prove that I’m the best.

My parents have been really great, they’ve spent a bit of cash,
they’ve bought this brand new car for me and mate, it’s pretty flash,
it’s got a you-beaut engine, I reckon it’ll go
and once I get my P-Plates, I finally will know.”

He headed into Vicroads and he sat the driving test,
did two more on computer and he gave them all his best.
He passed with flying colours and received his licence card,
he went and dropped his mother home, then went out driving hard.

He drove along a country track, his foot pressed to the floor,
he built up speed until he could accelerate no more.
And as the car approached a bend, young Justin lost control,
he slid out off the tarmac and the car began to roll.

The rolling finally halted when the wreckage hit a tree,
the roadside in the area was scattered with debris –
it was true the car was powerful and capable of speed
and that speed and inexperience are a fatal mix indeed.

“Hello my name is Sergeant Black, this sight just makes me sad,
he was just a young bloke on his Ps, the accident was bad.
I’ll notify his parents, start clearing up the scene,
the driver’s name is Justin Brown and he was just eighteen.”

Re: The Ballad of the P-Plater

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:33 pm
by Heather
Unfortunately it happens way way too often John. I know three teenagers in our road alone who wrote their cars or their parents' cars off within a week of having their licences. Going too fast on dirt roads. Fortunately none were hurt and hopefully all learnt a valuable lesson. I have three who drive and all learnt on dirt roads and none has ever had an accident (touch wood).

Heather :)

Re: The Ballad of the P-Plater

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:19 am
by Peely
G'day Heather

I guess that the sad part is that no matter what programs are put in place (education, improvements in technology as two examples), there are always going to be the ones that want to push things to the limit. It is often only a fine line to push things too far to suffer the dreadful consequences. We can only hope that more young people take heed of what they are being told and do the right things when they are on the road.


John Peel