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It's Actually 11/9

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:51 pm
by Peely
It’s Actually 11/9
© John Peel 2/7/08

The yanks might call it nine eleven, but here it’s eleven nine,
Australians talking yankee-style’s a real pet hate of mine.

Here in Aus we haven’t changed the way we write a date,
The day goes down before the month, before the year here, mate.
The order is quite logical, in fact, it is ascending –
Why is it that the yanks believe that all the rules need bending?
I could keep talking on and on of all the things that grate,
But will stick for now with as to how you say and write a date.

The yanks might call it nine eleven, but here it’s eleven nine,
Australians talking yankee-style’s a real pet hate of mine.

Written as a homework piece for the Illawarra Breakfast Poets for the topic, 9/11.