Strike Me Pink

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Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by manfredvijars » Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:59 pm

... I thought they were rather cute Marty ... ;)


Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by Heather » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:03 pm

Oooh, I get to sit on a bench. I hope it has cushions! Just you lot behave an' I won't have to get the strap out.

Point taken Marty! Still, it could be amusing. How's the quit campaign going in your household?

Heather :)

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Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by Zondrae » Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:08 am

G'day everyone,

In my excitement to hear that one of my poems had made the stage at Tamworth, I neglected to offer my congratulations to the ABPA members who took part.

Well done all those who took to the stage. Just having the nerves under control enough to get up is an achievement in itself.

Congratulations to all who made it to the finals in all categories.

And to all the winners, (members of the ABPA or not) a specal round of applause. To be chosen as the best of the best is praise indeed. To the place getters- don't be disheartened try again next year. You never know, you may have just that extra shine, that the judges on the day take a liking to.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Strike Me Pink

Post by Bob Pacey » Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:27 am

This deserves another go on the stage for all our newer members and yes almost exactly as Zondrae describes. the concerning part is before going in they tell you it could kill you but on the day I went through there were 16 others lines up.

Cheers Zondrae a beauty

The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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