Rivers O The Rise

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Re: Rivers O The Rise

Post by Zondrae » Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:38 pm

G'day Stephen, Neville, John,

Thanks for all the things you have given me to think about.

Stephen, when I say weak endings.. I mean somehow I often feel the need to 'explain' something, after the climax of the story. I would have to look at a few poems to give you an exact example, but I have noticed it often.
Yes I know 'Song of Rain'. I guess the main problem with 'Rivers' is that I recall buying a large map of NSW, spreading it on the floor and writing down all the names of the rivers and creeks, the towns and Stations that would be effected by a flooding of the Barwon River. I hope to always be accurate.
As I have said before, I know the area. Wayne has either worked or been allowed to shoot (pigs, foxes, Kangaroos) on many of the properties from Collerinabri down to Come by Chance and all points in any direction. We thought we had lost a pedigree cat in the Sorgum at Wingadee station once. Cats being what they are, we had to sit and wait for her to come out when she was ready.
On one very large station, I won't mention names, his job was to patrol and pick up any lambs born more then one week either side of the main 'drop' and dress them down for the dogs. When you are working flocks in the hundred thousands, you can't handel stray numbers of lambs. They have to be born within a 3 week period so they can be processed at once. Some days he would 'pick up' a dozen lambs, mostly a day or two old, some still wet from birth overnight. Each day a new paddock. The only good thing is that their dogs were well fed and the skins went to some cottage crafters to spin to make fine baby wool. Mind you I'm talking some 40 years ago.

ps that's not how you spell Colli... I'm too tired to go look it up.. I'm sorry.
Zondrae King
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Re: Rivers O The Rise

Post by Zondrae » Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:50 pm

G'day Catherine,

Hello, nice to 'meet' you. Thank you for your kind words. It is encouraging to know you like my poem. I have noticed your name popping up in Comp results. How long have you been writing? How did you get into the Bush Poetry world? are you a member of a poetry group? If you would like to check out some of my other work, I have posted 49 poems on the site, so far, and they are listed in the 'Index of' my poems up the top of this page.

Lately I have started a few poems but gone cold on the ideas and not finished anything that I think is 'competition material'. I wish I could write funny pieces. Anyway it is getting near bed time. (I have been up since 4.10am) I have been attending a Gym class that starts at 5.30, for the past few weeks (time off at Christmas). There are about 10 of us plus the instructor, so 10. to 10.30pm is about my sleep time.

Thanks again for the comments and catch you soon.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Rivers O The Rise

Post by Catherine Lee » Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:10 pm

Hi Zondrae, it's so nice to hear from you, and thank you for your kind words. I hadn't been on the Forum for quite a while and then suddenly remembered to look and realised there was so much I'd missed! I guess time just gets away from me. I too have seen and enjoyed your work over time and read your comments on this Forum. In answer to your question, I've been writing poetry for as long as I can remember and entering competitions since the early nineties. I move around a lot and live in different places due to my partner's job in hospitality, but I am still a member of the FAW and joined the Manly NSW branch in 1994. I know what you mean about funny pieces - sometimes I too wish I could produce more of these, but mostly I tend to focus on the serious. You are very keen to attend such an early gym class - a 9:00am walk on the treadmill is about my limit at the moment, and even that has gone by the wayside this first week of the New Year thanks to a stomach bug! However, at least it has forced me to sit down and spend some time on the Forum! Take care, and see you next time!

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