
ABPA Financial members can post their Bush Poetry here ...
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Re: Crossroads

Post by Irene » Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:38 am

Awwww, Dave - thanks for your vote of confidence!! :oops:
Funny you should mention grand-daughters - it was an incident to do with her that reminded me of how skewed my perspective had become. My son had rung to say that he and Lila would be down on the weekend if that was ok, and my first thought was "Oh damn, there goes all the things I had to do on the weekend!!" I was horrified that I could even think that, especially as none of the things I planned to do were even for me. They were work related, two lots of minutes to type up, and a newsletter - all for work and groups. The thought didn't last for long, but didn't like that fact that it was there!!

Marty - that was the problem - it wasn't happening!!! :lol: At least, not efficiently, and always rushed!!!!
Yep, I am hoping that when I have time to sit quietly again, I will get back to writing some half-way decent poems again.

What goes around, comes around.


Re: Crossroads

Post by Heather » Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:45 pm

I've been there too Irene - committees, newsletters, committments; always doing for others - and loving it - but...... I've stepped right back and am now looking after me and also enjoying my new grand daughters, my kids, a new job, new friends, old friends, just enjoying where I live, watching the sunsets or the birds. It's a good place to be, you'll love it..

Heather :)

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Crossroads

Post by Catherine Lee » Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:18 pm

This is a lovely poem Irene. I like the rhythm of it too, and of course the sentiments are a lesson to us all. I wish you every happiness in your new path.

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