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Re: Shooting

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:32 pm
by william williams
Struth Manfred you were 4 years younger than me in that photo I was at Booroloola in 63
There were a few Buffs about, Crocs Wild Pigs ( captain corker or razor backs if you like) the wild pigs were inclined to be a bit nasty, Roos, and a few Bantan Cattle which were rather docile but shy and the fishing was dam good. I was a pro shooter for roos during the skin market at Willcannia 61 /62 then graduated to Buffalo eradication on the escarpment plains. In 63 I went to Booroloola with some mates to relax and fish and there are a bloody lot of snakes in that area Tiapans and Fierce snake ( I have since found out they are one of the types of Tiapans)

Looks like a mark 4, 303 with the wood cut down better for Buffs if you notch the head if using military rounds.

Those were the days when you could relax and be your self instead of pretending like modern day Kids pretending to be Rambo.

And before some of you squeal and carry on it was a hard life not for the faint hearted or squeamis but an honest life doing what was required

Bill the old Battler

Re: Shooting

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:18 pm
by manfredvijars
Good eye Bill, yes it was a Mk4 (cut down) I put peep sights on it later. I was there around 64-65. There were a few snakes about but not that you'd worry too much about them. Plenty of Buffs about but given that we didn't have buff-catchers (and NOT on horseback) we were lucky to be able to knock the occasional one over for meat (much to the ire of one Don McGregor who thought he owned the whole of the Territory). Buff meat would fetch sixpence a pound as pet food. The croc skins would fetch twenty-six bob an inch (if you were lucky). The traders would screw you down for the slightest nick on the most obscure part of the skin (mongrels).
Pigs? I still hate them bastards!
Bill, did you ever run across Bill Harney or one Harry Blumantels back then??

We used to eat a lot of flying fox in those days - good tucker too. Cleaner than chooks - they only eat fruit.

I agree Vic, we live in a sanitised world that is in constant denial about the realities of food production and a whole lot of other things too.

Sorry Myra, equating hunting with suicide is a bit of a stretch.

People once understood that milk came from cows (still does), meat came from the animals we kill, and still does.
Where I grew up, many households had chooks (for eggs AND meat). Once a month it was my job to chop, gut and pluck the chook (my Mummy made me do it). Some households would even have a cow (or goats) for milkers. And around August September every year some would even pool to buy suckers (piglets) to raise them up for slaughter at Christmas.

Animal liberation, racism and political correctness didn't exist in those days. I don't think child abuse did either, 'cause I remember copping the odd flogging (but then, as I recall, I did some bad stuff in those days too).

I do concede that my upbringing has scarred me for life because I now eat vegetarians - beef, sheep, chooks ... :cry:

Sorry Zondrae, didn't mean to hijack your thread, but I do like your piece ... :)

Re: Shooting

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:51 am
by r.magnay
'morning Zondrae,
I have seen this poem before and yes, it is true and takes many of us back to our youth and of course guns don't kill people,...... people do.
Done a bit of weight training since that was taken Manfred haven't you.........we?... ;)

Re: Shooting

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:22 am
by Maureen K Clifford
LOVE THIS POEM ZONDRAE - never a truer word spoken.

Oh Bob you are so right - I actually progressed though to what a HUNK of EYE CANDY :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mannie that was the days when common sense reigned and most kids had it ;)

Re: Shooting

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:02 am
by manfredvijars
Ahh Mauzie, I think common sense was a bit more 'common' back then ... :D
No 'weight' training Rosco, just too long in a good paddock ... :lol:

Re: Shooting

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:45 am
by Zondrae
thanks everyone for taking the time to reply to this one.

It is in one of my little books and one bloke told me he sent the book to his son in New Zealand, just for this poem.

Re: Shooting

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:58 am
by william williams
Not sure Manny He could have been the bloke that introduced me to Wild Dog Red Anderson at 5 ways cross road store and pub, but I thought his name was Rex. Wild dog was responsible for me following him with a mob of cattle to Wyndam meat works. The Buffalo was as tough as boot leather but it made a good stew as it had plenty of flavour. The Burris didn’t cook the flying foxes properly (half raw) and croc meat gave you wind that stunk bad. Young roo was alright and so was goat. I’ll put a story about the Aussie Buffalo hunters in the forum if you want just let me know.

bill W

Re: Shooting

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:42 am
by Bob Pacey
I really like this Zondrae. I have tried to instill into my kids the value of honesty. Pretty hard for a bush poet I know but I still remember the first time my son was rolled in to front gate by his mates after his first free beer party as an apprentice.

The only works he could utter " I'm sorry dad "

Never did it again I can tell you but I had to laugh when we discussed it later.

Thanks again beautiful and true poem.
