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Re: The Things That Make Me Mad

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:06 am
by Peely
"Hyde" or "The Hulk"?
© John Peel 15/6/2011

Could I be Mr Hyde
when the anger builds inside
or do I put on bulk
to become a big, green hulk?

Is my anger held at bay
when my hips begin to sway
as I sing an Elvis song
in a voice that's loud and strong?

I can't say I know for sure
but my shirt and pants just tore;
my skin has just turned green,
I'm becoming big and mean.

I'm singing, "Love Me Tender",
then a few bars of "Surrender" -
I feel my anger fade,
have I made you all afraid?

My anger now has gone,
I'd best put some clothing on -
I think that I'd prefer
that that would not occur!

I'll just think some happy thoughts
so I don't feel out of sorts
and if anger grows I'll sing
some music by "The King"!

Re: The Things That Make Me Mad

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:50 am
by Neville Briggs
I think that's well done Peely. I like it. A very interesting and subtle poem I think.
For me it has just the touch of slight mystery to bring out the poetic flavour.

I have heard tales about various performers and how their private persona is so different from their public presentation. Graham Kennedy was one. Maybe it's not really a mystery.

Re: The Things That Make Me Mad

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:35 am
by Vic Jefferies
I can attest to the fact that there is definitely two John Peels. The one on the street and the one on the stage bear scant resemblance to each other!
To witness the mild mannered, unassuming, polite John Peel suddenly become Elvis on stage is to say the least mystifying! (As well as very entertaining.)

Re: The Things That Make Me Mad

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:34 am
by Peely
Thanks Neville,

I'm glad you enjoyed that one.

G'day Vic

It is always good to get up on stage and do the sorts of things that the crowd may not expect you to do. I have performed in a few places where I was introduced as a poet and gone straight into an Elvis song without any preamble otherwise - the MCs get a little worried that they have introduced the wrong person, until you start the poem.


John Peel

Re: The Things That Make Me Mad

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:38 pm
by Heather
Put your clothes back on John - we're not doing the calendar this week! :lol:

Mental note to self. -- John as green Elvis for June!

July -Stephen skiing in his undies...

This just gets weirder and weirder... strange people poets