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Re: The Immigrant

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 7:10 am
by Bob Pacey
The Master Calls

Have you got a dog as well Zondrae ?


Re: The Immigrant

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 2:58 pm
by Zondrae

I am tempted to say, "no, but he treats me like one," But that would be an out and out lie.
He still treats me like a bride. chuckle, chuckle.... well he would like to.

Better say we are fast becoming a pair of old codges who still dote on each other.

I saw a movie once where a couple who were pennyless at Christmas found a way to provide a gift for each other.
He pawned his watch to buy a silver comb for her hair. While she had her hair cut off and sold it to buy a silver chain for his watch. Now that's love.