Time for a Website Update?

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Time for a Website Update?

Post by keats » Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:19 pm

Is it time for a website update? I see there are only a handful of contributors to the website forum and some sections have not been added to for almost 3 years. Last time I asked this I was informed that, no, a lot of traffic passes through this site. Yes, it passes through. It rarely stops and joins in. I visit sites and when there is nothing interesting or it hasn't been updated for a long time, then I leave. I still appear as 'traffic' going through that site.

This is not meant to offend anyone who puts their time voluntarily into this site, just wondering if anybody else feels it is a bit stale and could use a bit of a face lift?

The Forum in particular. The rest of the site holds the information that is both relevant and helpful to those who participate or just enjoy Bush Poetry. I think a more up to date appearance may help the image of the site, and perhaps cut the Forum down to about half a dozen headings.

Any thoughts? Yay or Nay?

Neil McArthur

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Re: Time for a Website Update?

Post by Terry » Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:12 pm

It's certainly disappointing Neil and has been for some time.
It appears to have never recovered from the turmoil of a couple of years ago.
As to what can be done to breathe new life into it I haven't a clue myself.
But as you rightly suggest we need to do something to try and attract more poets, or at least interested people, to actually participate, not just pass through.

It will be interesting to see if anyone can come up with new ideas - at the moment the only thing attracting consistent attention is Maureen's Homework.



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Re: Time for a Website Update?

Post by keats » Fri Sep 28, 2018 11:26 am

Just talking to someone more in the know about this and apparently things are nowhere near as easy as we would like to think re. changing the whole site. A lot of man-hours involved as well as possible loss of data. The folks who put their time into our website are both aware and in discussion with the Committee over how they will proceed with this, which is great to know. Thanks for filling me in. You know who you are and a big thanks. :)

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Re: Time for a Website Update?

Post by Terry » Fri Sep 28, 2018 1:42 pm

Hi Keats

I just had another look at the committee itself and to be honest, I couldn't see a singe person who has ever had much, if any, contact with the Forum, to my knowledge.
This may well be different with the rest of the Web Page itself of course, especially facebook, as I myself have little knowledge of that.


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Re: Time for a Website Update?

Post by keats » Fri Sep 28, 2018 6:28 pm

Yeah Terry, very, very few of the ABPA members have accessed the forums for many a month (if not years). But this is a personal choice. No one can force anyone to commit themselves to posting opinions or information in general to the world wide web. It's a shame because the forums have pretty much died, but on the other side, the Committee at the time decided to disallow anybody who was not a financial member of the ABPA from joining in discussion on these forums. There are many a name I can think of who disappeared from here, but the Exclusive vs Inclusive was at play and someone on the Exclusive side of things won out. And that was a big part of our 'Bush Poets Family' becoming dysfunctional. Very sad indeed.

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Re: Time for a Website Update?

Post by Terry » Fri Sep 28, 2018 8:56 pm

Spot on Neil

I was one who sat back and watched unbelievably as it all unfolded.
Not only those who felt they had been treated badly left, but most of their mates as well.
I suspect that few people who wern't active forum members realized how close knit that group was; they were mates Neil, even though most had probably never met in person.
Regardless of the rights and wrongs of what happened, it certainly destroyed what had been a fun group to be associated with - and there was some real talent among them as well.


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Re: Time for a Website Update?

Post by Neville Briggs » Sun Sep 30, 2018 3:09 pm

I agree with Neil and Terry that the bush poets forum has become a rather sad remnant of what used to be.

Whether removing some of the various headings might help, I am not sure. I don't have the competence to analyse web site usage.
I did wonder about some of the content, just my opinion.

To declutter the site, "Jokes". Lost poetry. photographs. .
could be posted in general chit chat ?

bush poetry events. comp results.
These could go in public noticeboard.

members birthdays I think are best not shown, Better not to publish members personal details like this on the web.

Yarn spinners, collaborations, children and youth. I wonder if these are needed, minimal general interest for poets.

As I said, just my opinion, I could be wrong.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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Re: Time for a Website Update?

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sun Sep 30, 2018 5:49 pm

Hi All

Just a general update - there are plans afoot to move both website and forum to a new web host in the near future. I've not been part of the discussions as I'm no longer involved at committee level - but I know from past experience that what you say is right, Neil - the amount of work involved is considerable.

I believe when the web host transition actually occurs, the forum will need to be offline for a period of about two weeks. I've been told that we will be given around 24 hours notice of this.

As far as forum content is concerned - I do strongly agree with Neville re not publishing any personal details online. As to the rest, you all make valid points about various sections and headings. Perhaps you may wish to convey your suggestions to the committee. Our President Gary has stated on more than one occasion that he welcomes member input.

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

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Re: Time for a Website Update?

Post by Terry » Sun Sep 30, 2018 11:31 pm

Hi Shelley, Neville and Neil.

I guess the thing we need most as far as the forum is concerned, is to get more people participating.
If only we could get a few of the old forum members back would be a good place to start, mind you I suspect that this will take a bit of doing.

I have a suggestion that I will put to Gary - not sure if it's practical or even possible, but as Neil has mentioned, any ideas are worth considering.


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