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Buderim Rotary Presents OUR HERITAGE IN VERSE - 18th June

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:13 am
by manfredvijars
Rotary Club of Buderim Presents OUR HERITAGE IN VERSE. 2011 Bush Poet’s Concert.
18th June 2011 at the The Buderim War Memorial Hall
Cnr Glouchester Rd and Main St, Buderim.

Enjoy an entertaining and humorous evening of Yarn Spinning presented by four Award Winning performers of
Australia’s Heritage in Verse. Australian Bush Poetry is meted and rhymed poetry about Australia, Australians and/or the
Australian way of life.

The Rotary Club of Buderim is honored to have four outstanding, award winning Bush Poets performing their art.

(Long) John Best.
Ron Liekefett – Australian Champion Bush Poet 2005.
Noel Stallard – Australian Champion Bush Poet 2003.
Manfred (Manni) Vijars

Yes, indeed Australia’s Bush Verse is alive and thriving.

Tickets are being offered for $25.00 per person AVAILABLE on line at

Springs of Hope Children’s Home, Maralal - Samburu Kenya will be the beneficiary of this event.

WHEN: Sat June 18th, 2011
WHERE: Buderim War Memorial Hall. Cnr Glouchester Rd and Main St Buderim.
Excellent raffle prizes will be available on the evening.

Re: Buderim Rotary Presents OUR HERITAGE IN VERSE - 18th Jun

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 4:23 pm
by keats
Bloody Hell!!! Talk about Dad's Army!!! How much you's paying us to come and pretend to listen?