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Victorian Bush Poetry & Music Assoc Champs 14-16 Oct

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:09 pm
by manfredvijars
Victorian Bush Poetry & Music Association Championships 14 - 16th Oct

G'day people, Please put this in your diaries right now!

I'm happy to report that we are able to have Keith Potger (ex Seekers) as our guest on Saturday.
Keith will judge our song comp and will be our main guest at our Saturday Night Concert.
Championship Dates 14 - 16th October 2011 Sponsors (& people who talk up
sponsors) will be very welcome.
Venue Benalla Bowls Club which has been booked.

Linton and I are leaving tomorrow for a family wedding/trip to Vietnam, so I'll be 'off the air' till early June I will then get entry forms organised and onto ABPA website and call for judges/MCs Closing dates for entries will probably be in September.
So start writing/choosing/learning your poems!

Jan Lewis
Move mountains, make peace and sing the song we came to sing.

• Voluntary Secretary of Victorian Bush Poetry& Music Association
• Victorian rep for Australian Bush Poetry Association
Home 275B Cudgewa Valley Road, Cudgewa...3705
Phone& Fax (02) 60774332 MOB: 0422848707

Re: Victorian Bush Poetry & Music Assoc Champs 14-16 Oct

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:15 pm
by keats
Have a great time mate. You know roughly where I will be over the next 6 or 7 months, so I'll be off the forum until then probably. I'll catch ya at Bundy? Gympie? who knows!

But have a great trip. I'll call ya tonight before ya go anyway.


Re: Victorian Bush Poetry & Music Assoc Champs 14-16 Oct

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 4:20 pm
by Bob Pacey
I think we need to get our president a laptop ?

Or maybe he does not want all the hassles of dealing with us rabble.

Have a good trip M
