Article: Australia's Greatest Rhymer

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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: Article: Australia's Greatest Rhymer

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:59 pm

Hmm... Bill, I'm wondering if you've got the wrong idea about my feelings towards Henry Lawson. I think he was fantastic. The article I posted here is only concerned with the technical aspects of writing. It is not an attempt to compare the three poets as writers beyond this very narrow perspective. I also wrote the article in the lead-up to the first Toolangi Festival, where I was trying to push the case for Dennis a bit, feeling that Lawson and Paterson didn't leave a lot of space for anybody else. If I've given the impression that I don't have enormous respect for Lawson, then I apologise. This is not the case. As you say, the fact that he achieved so much under enormous adversity only underscores the scale of his talent.
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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