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Late, Late homework from 14th January!! Putting Pen to Paper

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 11:36 pm
by Irene
Maureen, Haven't visited any poetry sites for many many months now, but great to see you are still posting prompts to encourage us lazy poets to keep putting pen to paper!!
I scrolled through your prompts, and was really wanting to break the dry spell that has plagued me for several years - I don't think I have written anything for well over 12 months, and then nothing flash.

While words don't flow these days, thank you for being the prompt for at least having a go again!!

Putting Pen to Paper
© Irene Conner 28/05/19

Putting pen to paper’s not as easy as it seems,
despite the fact I used to write – now only in my dreams
do words and feelings come to me to touch a readers heart
but sadly, when my mind awakes, the words – from me – depart.

The words that used to coalesce to capture what we hide
now drift within the shadows, turn, then scatter far and wide.
And nothing seems to coax them back; to bid them stay and share
the power that collective words can have to lift despair,

To wake within a weary heart a magic memory,
to tell a younger family just how things used to be.
Why can’t they stay and share with me the gift I know they hold,
the gift that coats our thoughts and dreams with gilded sheets of gold.

No matter how I stretch and strain to grasp them as they flee
I stand with only empty thoughts that stare right back at me
and stories that I long to write stay firm within my dreams –
no, putting pen to paper’s not as easy as it seems!

Re: Late, Late homework from 14th January!! Putting Pen to Paper

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 12:00 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Good to see you on here Irene and your poem prompted to put up some more ideas - they are long overdue, but my life has been a bit fraught down here and time slipped away - still we get there in the end and that is the most important thing.
Obviously from reading your words you haven't lost your touch :lol: so all is not lost :roll: I will put up the next set of prompts right now perhaps they will tempt your muse again.

Re: Late, Late homework from 14th January!! Putting Pen to Paper

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 3:36 pm
by Terry
There's no need to worry Irene I can still see the magic in your words;
You've always had the natural ability that so many us strive for.

I haven't been doing much myself either - Homework is always a good way to get the words flowing again - I hope.



Re: Late, Late homework from 14th January!! Putting Pen to Paper

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 4:28 pm
by Neville Briggs
It is wonderful to see you posting Irene. From my reading I have discovered that all writers suffer from writers block. It isn't just you , that the nature of the road we travel. :) :) I think it is very hard to write if I don't read. I am convinced that reading poetry in different forms is the key to being able to find my own voice.
My suggestion is to see if you can get your hands on some poetry by Andrew Landsdowne, He is an Australian clergyman who mainly writes in Japanese style poetry, i.e. Haiku etc. also get some poetry by Les Murray specially his little book called On Bunyah. These two are very different from the usual ballad story telling of bush poetry but they both wrote on Australia and the bush. I think the different perspective will spark up how poetry can be made from observation of the small details of life and nature.
We don't need to strain at the big narrative. A poem about walking the dog is as good as anything.

End of sermon :lol:

p.s. Other good poetry to read is the American poet Robert Frost and the English comical rhymer John Whitworth.

Re: Late, Late homework from 14th January!! Putting Pen to Paper

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:21 pm
by Irene
Thank you everyone.
It was nice to finally put something down on paper!! :o :D It's been a looooong time!

Yes Neville - I keep planning to do more reading but somehow, the time just slips away!
I was always under the impression that time slows down as you get older - but I'm finding that isn't the case!
I want to find a deep, dark cave, with a warm fire, some good books, some writing gear, and a comfy bed - and I will be in heaven!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Late, Late homework from 14th January!! Putting Pen to Paper

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:06 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Oh yes, Irene, I think you speak for us all! Love the poem! The dreaded writer's block is no stranger. Like you, since I've retired I've found that time seems no slower, and it is so easy for the day to become filled with all sorts of necessary (and sometimes unnecessary) chores! I find I really have to make time to write.

Neville, I can't agree more with your statement about needing to read in order to write. I have been told by some poets that they avoid reading poetry lest it alter their own unique "voice". But like you, I find that if I take nothing in, I can give nothing out in return. I don't think we can read enough - and I love to be inspired by and learn from the work of others. It doesn't have to detract from my poetic voice.
