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Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:16 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
An excellent response to the last set of prompts and a big thank you to everyone who had a shot at them. I suspect there are a couple of prizewinning poems in there for those who would care to have a shot at some of the comps on the go at the moment. Of course I am promoting the Ipswich Poetry Feast whose entries will be closing very soon - at 5:00pm on Friday, 27 July 2018. No late entries will be accepted. So why not give it a go.

Here are the latest prompts, make of them what you will :lol: Go to it folks.

We drank until the drink gave out

It's a creepy sort of feeling

When the crimson sun is sinking in the west

they drank his health all day until the rising of the moon

my campfire died in ashes grey

the curlew ceased his wailing for the dead