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Music Makes Memories

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:34 am
by Irene
Hmmm, didn't intend to write anything tonight - just to check the topic!!
The topic bought to mind the increasing evidence that music has can be very beneficial in improving life for people with dementia. Some of our residents react in a really positive manner to music, and it allows us to get a glimpse of the person they once used be, and the joy they used to find in the music.
I probably should polish the poem up a bit, but i'm happy these days just to write anything!! The muse doesn't visit much anymore!!! :(

Music Makes Memories
© Irene Conner 28/08/16

Music makes memories and memories recall
A time in my life when there wasn’t a wall
Imprisoning the person I once used to be,
for music can sometimes set that person free.

Free to rejoice in a beautiful song
When just for a moment the memories are strong;
And just for a moment my loved ones can see
A glimpse of a person- that person is me.

For still I reside in that jumbled up mess
That’s taken my memories and made me regress
To a state that is foreign, where things that I do
No longer relates to the person they knew;

Where faces that once I held close to my heart
Mean nothing to me – and it tears them apart
As they search every day for the one they hold dear,
And pray for the moment when I will appear.

They sit and they talk, and they sing and they dance,
They know that this gives them the very best chance.
For music makes memories and memories recall
The person they love that is trapped by the wall.

Re: Music Makes Memories

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:39 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Just beautiful, Irene ... and so true!

It reminds me something my music teacher was fond of quoting - words said by Belle Brittain circa 1920 ...

This is the luxury of music. It touches every key of memory and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy. I love it for what it makes me forget and for what it makes me remember.


Re: Music Makes Memories

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 1:19 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
That's wonderful Irene - a delightful write and good use made of the prompts. The muse may not visit as often but he still does good work when he shows up :lol:

May I pinch this for the mag?

Re: Music Makes Memories

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:24 am
by Irene
Shelley - I love your quote - it is so true!!

Maureen - have replied to your private message. Have been trying to respond for last two or three days but keep getting an error message!!

Re: Music Makes Memories

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:31 am
by David Campbell
This is very interesting, Irene. As you say, there's been some research done on music and its effect on dementia can find one report here: ... -patients/
