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Homework F/E 14/02/11 - When the World Knew My Name

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:17 pm
by Peely
Something that is a little bit on the black side for me (not very typical of my writing)

© John Peel 1/2/2011

I sat down one night and I wrote a great song
so uniquely Australian it couldn’t go wrong.
I sent it away to a big country star
in the hope that it might win a Golden Guitar.

Well this big country singer had stacks of success
and the bugger took all of the credit, no less.
It was him who received all the crowd’s great applause –
recognition for me had become a lost cause.

His fame and his fortune reached dizzying height
and it was my song made his star burn so bright
and since it was him with the money and fame
I had to make sure that the world knew my name.

He was playing a concert on Tamworth’s main stage,
he started my song and this filled me with rage.
The world would know me for his downfall was planned –
I stood at stage left with a gun in my hand.

I waited there nervous in anticipation
and fired the shot to send him to damnation.
I went away peacefully when the cops came,
they took me to gaol and the world knew MY NAME!

Re: Homework F/E 14/02/11 - When the World Knew My Name

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:24 am
by Zondrae
Morning John,

Well it is good to see you writing something. I know you well enough to say - this is the last thing you would ever do. I can't imagine you even getting into a fist fight.

Now I'll clear up my comment, write a song yes, but shoot someone - never.
Aren't you pleased you live in the hills of Batlow and not north Queensland?

Re: Homework F/E 14/02/11 - When the World Knew My Name

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:40 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Good writing Peely - pick up on the sense of frustration -we all have a black side I suspect, usually well hidden. Would think that someone stealing your words has probably happened a few times over the years to a few people as well.

Hey Zondrae - Fist fight???? Didn't want to spoil the dial....far to clever for that :D



Re: Homework F/E 14/02/11 - When the World Knew My Name

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:18 am
by Zondrae
G'day Marty,

so you've met John.

Quiet, geese mate, once you get him started......

Re: Homework F/E 14/02/11 - When the World Knew My Name

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:25 pm
by Peely
G'day Zondrae

It is good that Batlow is in the mountains and that floods and cyclones are things that are not much of a problem here. We do get the occasional storm though that uproots trees and leaves a path of destruction. With the amount of rain in the last year, it is amazing how many landslips have occurred - the access roads in Bago State Forest are going to cost State Forests a fair amount to get fixed up.

Writing hasn't been much of a problem as late, averaging a poem a week for this year so far.

G'day Maureen

I am not aware of anyone pinching my poems for their own purposes. Hopefully, this isn't occuring. There are a couple of projects happening around one of my poems that I am aware of and these people have been good enough to seek my permission first. Glad you enjoyed my poem.

G'day Marty

I have been compared to a Dr Jekkyl/Mr Hyde type character - but that is normally related to the fact that I am a very different person when I am in front of an audience to what I am in general (I hope that person wasn't seeing something that I don't know about).


John Peel

Re: Homework F/E 14/02/11 - When the World Knew My Name

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:42 pm
by Heather
Good one John. No need for guns with this mob though - we all know your name and your fame! ;)

Heather :)

Re: Homework F/E 14/02/11 - When the World Knew My Name

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:49 pm
by Zondrae
G'day Heather,

Now you have met John, you can see what I mean.

Re: Homework F/E 14/02/11 - When the World Knew My Name

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:55 pm
by Heather
Indeed I can Zondrae. I was fortunate to have a bit of a tour of the Bungendore area with Frank, Greg North and John Peel so got to spend a little bit of time with him. He certainly becomes animated when he has an audience. He's a bit cheeky I think! ;) He did a very funny poem on the Sunday - I can't recall the name but it was about an old couple who found love in a nursing home and it was very entertaining.

Heather :)

Re: Homework F/E 14/02/11 - When the World Knew My Name

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:05 am
by Peely
Thank you Heather

It is good to know that there will always be a group of people that appreciate your work. The poem that I performed on Sunday was called "The Ballad of Joan and Jack".


John Peel

Re: Homework F/E 14/02/11 - When the World Knew My Name

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:52 am
by Trisha Patterson
Nice one John! Lets just hope there aren't too many "low-lifes" out there who would even consider plagiarizing our works!
That's when our dark sides would appear! :evil: :twisted: :o