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Homework 24.09.12 - Acrostic - Argadargada

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:05 am
by Irene
Manfreds poem on Argadargada reminded me I had an acrostic sitting around in the archives from the same challenge that he wrote his for!
It was so long ago, I can't even remember when I wrote it - and I was obviously very green at writing poetry!! :oops: :lol:
As Manfred mentioned in his explanations, Ross posted a sign post pointing to Argadargada, and challenged us to write an acrostic about it. It included a dusty red dirt road, and dry, brown scrub, but I believe the town is very friendly and welcoming.

A lonely red dirt road meanders
Round a bend and down a hill
Green grass is pretty scarce out here
And fellow travellers fewer still
Dust will fill your eyes each day
And you’ll be pleased when you arrive
Residents will welcome you and
Give good reason for your drive.
A better place you’ve yet to find
Deserves a mem’ry in your mind -

Re: Homework 24.09.12 - Acrostic - Argadargada

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:10 am
by Maureen K Clifford
AAAAAAArk - stone the bloody crows - two on a place I had never heard off - but will now never forget.

Good one Irene - they're a bit of fun I reckon - well done



Re: Homework 24.09.12 - Acrostic - Argadargada

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:56 am
by Neville Briggs
:lol: Great Irene .

Re: Homework 24.09.12 - Acrostic - Argadargada

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:47 am
by manfredvijars
... indeed, well done Irene ... :D