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Homework 23.04.12

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:18 am
by Irene
Suddenly remember this poem I wrote for the 1 minute brawl at Boyup Brook this year - fits the bill close enough for the topic (though it was written for performance in the comp, not for written!!), so I'm cheating!! :lol:

There isn’t Much That Scares Me…
© Irene Conner 17.02.12

There isn’t much that scares me but
I readily admit
There’s one thing gets me shakin’
and to fear – makes me submit.

It gives me shivers down my spine;
My heartbeat runs amok,
My stomach fills with butterflies
Until I want to chuck.

My legs become like rubber and
The sweat runs down my back,
And there is little stopping me
From racing down the track.

A pounding starts within my head
And lodges in my throat
‘til I can barely talk at all –
A cu-re seems remote.

There isn’t much that scares me but
I tell you, this is true –
There’s one thing gets me shakin’ and
That scary thing is ‘you’!! (the audience!)

Re: Homework 23.04.12

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:02 pm
by Neville Briggs
:lol: :lol: