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Homework - 26.12.11 Unseen by the Unseeing

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:11 pm
by Irene
Funny how a poem takes on a life of its own, isn't it? This poem didn't end up quite how I intended when I first started writing it!!!

Unseen by the Unseeing

Christmas time is here again and chaos reigns supreme.
It's time for families to plan and time for kids to dream
of Santa with his sack of toys to meet their wild desires,
and shops are overcrowded with impatient, grumpy buyers.

Christmas carols fill the air of malls so cheery bright,
and streets are lit by shop displays that shine throughout the night,
but christmas 'cheer' is lacking in the fight to organize
this special celebration where we drink and socialize.

Tempers fray, and credit cards are maxed to meet demand
of christmas gifts increasing costs - they do not understand
that riding in the slipstream of the fight for gifts and toys
a growing army languishes - unseeing of their joys.

Christmas only shines its light on what they know they'll miss;
a place to lay their weary head; a loved one they can kiss;
the sense of joy and happiness that gives their heart a lift;
the feeling that they're valued as somebody gives a gift.

Wraith-like through the streets of light they drift on weary feet,
unseen by the unseeing as they dance the christmas beat
for all of life has shadows that the lucky ones don't see;
don't see that, at another time, that shadow could be "me"!

dance your path of joyfulness and live the life you live,
but don't forget the shadow side - remember how to give.
Let christmas cheer be spread around to truly give them light,
and feel the truth of christmas grow to join us all this night.

Irene Conner

Re: Homework - 26.12.11 Unseen by the Unseeing

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:44 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Love it Irene - you and I are thinking along the same lines.....all the pseudo $ driven joy and in the shadows the have nots that the haves fail to see. Makes the whole bloody debacle a farce IMO.

Think your poem is excellent. Thank you for sharing.



Re: Homework - 26.12.11 Unseen by the Unseeing

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:15 am
by Irene
Hi Maureen
Yes, the dollars certainly are wasted at christmas time now, aren't they??? It is sad to see, as I think the meaning of christmas has gone by the bye now. But it also seems more and more 'have notes' are struggling to afford christmas nowadays.

Still, now I have a grandie, I am guessing that a little of the magic will return!! At least, I hope so!! ;)

It feels good to get something written again, albeit just a quickie - I wrote this on the way up to Geraldton today to do some chrissy shopping, and babysit. It gets a little difficult trying to get the words down while you are driving!!! :shock:

Hope you have a great christmas!!

Re: Homework - 26.12.11 Unseen by the Unseeing

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:20 am
by Zondrae
morning Irene,

The poems that sneak up on you are always the best. Love this. You have captured the broad 'show' that we can be caught up in if we are not ever vigilant. I have always wanted to go to a place where the diners are people in need and serve them dinner. However because this is one time that our son (and now his girl) can be with us, it would be slack of me to be elsewhere. I also feel that giving money is just a salve to my conscience but that's about all I can do. Just better than nothing I suppose. I 'do' other things and not only at Christmas.

Have a lovely Christmas with your grand baby and all the best to the whole tribe in the new year.

Re: Homework - 26.12.11 Unseen by the Unseeing

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:09 am
by Maureen K Clifford
When you have littlies Irene who are young and innocent then that is what makes a Christmas special. They are not old enough to be wanting all the latest overpriced crap that is advertised on TV and they revel in the excitement of the day and love to hear the Christmas story and hearing the carols sung. Your day will be beautiful because you will be seeing it again through a childs eyes.

You stay safe and have a wonderful wonderful day



Re: Homework - 26.12.11 Unseen by the Unseeing

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:48 pm
by Neville Briggs
Love it Irene. I balk at " maxed " because I don't like the trend of American influence making other parts of speech into verbs. But I suppose that's the way we talk now , so your verse is true to experience :P

Irene wrote: This poem didn't end up quite how I intended when I first started

Wonderful Irene..wonderful...that shows you are getting better and better :D