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Homework W/E 23/5/11 My Dog Sandra

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 4:58 pm
by mummsie
Hope you don't mind me showing my humorous side.

My dog Sandra

I have a dog named Sandra
whom I purchased in Gilgandra
and I've been assured her breeding, is as pure as can be,
but she's developed colors frightful
which has made me somewhat spiteful
as the red dog that I purchased, now has spots for all to see.

So I tied her to the clothesline
while I went to check her bloodline
for I hadn't any papers, how remiss that was of me,
but the phone just kept on ringing
and I got myself to thinking
I'd been had, sucked in and lied to,I'd get even wait and see.

Now I knew it was a longshot
but with knickers in a big knot
I set off to get my money, no one makes a fool of me,
took the coast road through the city
but alas that was a pity
as the mongrel, who had fleeced me, flew the coop and now was free.

On returning to my hometown
It was late, the rain did pelt down
there were headlights beaming at me, just like pearls in mist they shone,
now I'm home, safe in my backyard
with my dog, untied and on guard
and I realise, she was worth it, so good riddance to that con.

Sue Pearce

Re: Homework W/E 23/5/11 My Dog Sandra

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 7:36 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Love it - but do tell me you didn't leave her tied to the clothesline while you went searching for the con man.

Love the rhyme Sanda/Gilgandra :lol: :lol: :lol: Doubtful and colourful are a bit dodgy - you might want to look at them perhaps. Doesn't spoil it for me mind you. Could try altering a little bit to something like this perhaps

I have a dog named Sandra
whom I purchased in Gilgandra
and I've been assured her breeding, is as pure as can be,
but she's developed colours frightful
which has made me somewhat spiteful
as the red dog that I purchased, now has spots for all to see.



Re: Homework W/E 23/5/11 My Dog Sandra

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:22 am
by mummsie
Fixed, much better thanks Maureen.
As for leaving the dog tied up, I had to leave in haste, you see.
Maybe it was guilt that made me appreciate her more. LOL.
Enjoyed this one