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The Cat From Down The Swamp

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:07 pm
by Zondrae
This poem was previously posted in the Childrens section and was awarded a honourable mention in the 'Adults writing For Children' in the Toolangi Festival.

The Cat from down the Swamp.
© Zondrae King (09/05) Corrimal

At the corner of our street there is a marshy patch of scrub
inhabited by bats and snakes and such.
It is overgrown with climbers and it edges to a swamp
and no one’s game to venture in there much.

There’s a local urban legend that is used to scare the kids
about a big, red tom cat living there.
He was dumped by some uncaring sod and left for dead they say
with frogs and water rats his favourite fare.

All the neighbourhood was buzzing and no one had slept the night
the cat from down the swamp came into town
and he started serenading all the local household pets.
To village toms he threw the gauntlet down.

Mister Kelly on the corner was the local constable
a trusted civic member in his prime.
with a fluffy pampered Persian as his partners pride and joy.
If she were to get out would be a crime.

Primary teacher, Miss McMillen had a slender Siamese
When put on show she always took the prize.
If she happened to escape and mix with other mongrel breeds
her future show career she‘d jeopardize.

Now in various locations there were other much loved pets
of both female and male variety.
So the fear that was pervading into all the households there
was threatening to flaunt propriety.

“Well he’s ruining my gardens” said the local landscape man.
“He digs up plants as soon as they go in.
And the noise he makes at 3 am when he is on the prowl
cat calling, is creating such a din.”

Just like every urban legend, his descriptions not distinct.
The specter looming larger every year.
The few town folk who’d seen him all described a different part
It’s said he has one eye and half an ear.

This phantom of the brackish swamp was the gossip of the town.
The children spoke of him with scared delight.
Both a rebel and a bandit, he might even take a child.
They dare not go outside alone at night.

Jim, the local turkey farmer was patrolling after dark
He feared the cat would pounce and steal a chick
or even worse, get in the pens and terrorize all the flock.
A frightened turkey doesn’t fatten quick.

So they called a public meeting for suggestions to decide
just what their course of action ought to be.
Should they lay out traps and catch that legend feral Lucifer
or try to frighten him and make him flee?

Every night, for weeks a different street would spend hours on guard.
He still fought every tomcat in the shire.
If this old red boy had his way he’d cover every queen.
to make himself the regions leading sire.

Then as suddenly as he had come, the untamed cat was gone
returning to the swamp that kept him fed.
All the lady cats that he had wooed sat back and were content
and all the kittens born that spring were red

Re: The Cat From Down The Swamp

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:00 pm
by Irene
HI Zondrae
I remember reading this before - I enjoyed it then, and enjoyed it again now.

Re: The Cat From Down The Swamp

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:34 pm
by Phil Townsend
Dear Zondrae

Great fun!

"A frightened turkey doesn't fatten quick" I love it!

Two of my sons have red hair. I don't know if I should let them read this. They might get ideas!
