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The Ghost.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:22 pm
by Rimeriter
The Ghost of Morse and Key.
dah dah dah. dit dah dah dit.

A signaller in camouflage within a secret hide.
No missed report could ever be to others on his side,
it would be a situation that he not could abide.
An observation post behind the lines of enemy at war,
on a steamy tropic land mass with a far and distant shore,
fighting constant battles that those at home abhor.

Artillery shells in constant stream whined eerily overhead,
his infantry training now would stand him in good stead,
he could hear the snipers bullets and see where mates had bled.
To zero in his gunners was all that’s on his mind,
to call each time the lay of shot until the range they find,
because an artillery squadron has to know, how to fire blind.

Armoured cars and soldiers just beyond a clearing lay
preparing for a forward push before the close of day,
he must ensure each shot was called to make the bastards pay.

The calls were made by pressel switch and voice telephony,
he had no way of knowing that his signals weren’t to be,
the jungle drowned a message that would be heard by morse and key.
Swift stacatto beeping, of morse code : in rubber muffed headphones,
the dits and dahs are easily read through atmospheric drones.
Morse men in the past, could read - through all the undertones.

A signal sent. A signal lost. Just what will be the price ?
Is it just another aspect of the rolling of a dice !
When soldiers on a battle field are the only sacrifice ?
