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Good Thinkling Joan.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:27 am
by thestoryteller
Way out beyond the old black stump where life is pretty tough,
a Cocky by the name of Blue was living pretty rough.
But Joan his wife was of a breed that now you seldom find;
as scarce as hen’s teeth, you might say; not many of her kind.

Old Blue he had the brawn you see, though never went to school
and lacked the three R’s that they taught, but still nobody’s fool.
A plodder’s what you’d call old Blue, though thorough all the same
and after raising stock for years he’d learned to play the game.

His Joan possessed the business brain and she had all the know,
so she’d kept all the books for years and handled all the dough.
Despite the harsh, cruel elements their Stud had done quite well,
but Ferdinand their fav’rite bull was now due for a spell.

There was a bloke at “Brigalow”, five hundred K due East,
that advertised a bull for sale; a handsome looking beast.
Joan did her sums and ascertained the budget could allow
six hundred dollars ‘twards the deal; at least that’s all for now.

It’s best they thought that Joan should go and check the old mate out
and if the bull and price were right they’d buy him without doubt.
Then Joan would telegraph old Blue and with a bit of luck
he’d come to pick the old mate up in his old cattle truck.

Joan checked the bull from head to tail and felt he passed the test
so asked the owner, “What’s he worth?” and hoped now for the best.
“Five ninety-nine is what I ask and that my dear’s a steal.”
Joan felt a sigh of great relief and said, “Mate, that’s a deal.”

Joan then went to the Post 0ffice to get in touch would Blue
and asked how much per word it cost to send a message through.
“A dollar for each word, my dear “ the desk clerk then advised.
Poor Joan was taken back a bit and surely was surprised.

She told the Clerk about the deal and how that all she had
was just a single dollar and the Clerk felt rather bad.
“Don’t worry Sir, send COMFORTABLE and that will be the go.
Old Blue will get the drift of it cause he reads pretty slow.”

Re: Good Thinkling Joan.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:28 pm
by Bob Pacey
Heard it as a joke many years ago Merv but it comes up ok as a poem.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Great to see you are enjoying your poetry ??? got yas back :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Good Thinkling Joan.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:42 pm
by thestoryteller
Always a challenge to put an old enjoyable yarn to verse and yes I still enjoy writing and performing the odd poem.

Take care.
