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Kym's Party

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:31 pm
by Zondrae
I'm not sure if this is the poem that everyone had a go at writing, but if it isn't then it is along the same lines.


My poor old mate Kym Eitel, she's been getting bored they say
So I rang a few bush poets and said to them all that day.
"Hey grab a slab and head for Kyms, a party's going down.
We have to cheer the mad mare up she's wearing one big frown”.

Bush poets came from everywhere, they heard Merv's desp'rate call
With food and drink and spoken verse, the whole crowd had a ball
And Kym was there rejoicing as the centre of attention.
A great time there - so if you're bored, you've only got to mention.

The grey one and the silver fox - sent out a call, it's true,
to all the online poets who might cheer a poet blue.
So each one tried to do our bit and offer up a line
I'll bring some chips and dips and snags and you can bring the wine

Barry Lake hales from Narooma. He’s a natural MC
He cleared a spot, kicked off the show despite his dicky knee.
His poem was a classic – it brought tears to every eye.
about the time ‘When Grandad Sang the Road to Gundagi’.

Blue the Shearer couldn’t make it but still gave us a laugh.
Dave Meyers stepped up confidant and spoke on his behalf.
He recited, in his careful drawl, it made the squeamish ill,
the tale of ‘Down Boy’, sausage and the veterinary pill.

Vic Jefferies stood and took the mike - although he never needs it.
His velvet voice could sooth wild beasts. (I wonder what he feeds it.)
Reciting about mateship with his 'Bluey, Jack and Me'
then pushed his hat back on his head and had a cup of tea.

Then someone talked Therese into reciting one of hers-
it seems it's not a happening that very oft' occurs.
She chose to tell that lovely poem from last months competition.
You'd have to say she did a most exceptional rendition.

And next Frank Daniel to the floor to spin a yarn or two.
He says himself, of lies he tells that only half are true.
Although I know that mostly, when he's talking of his youth,
the yarns he tells of farming days and wagging school are truth.

Appearing in a corner, just as if it’s from thin air
is 'Swaggie' Campbell Irving on his way to - who knows where.
He heard about the party from somebody or other
and thought he'd come and warm us with 'Spiritual Earth Mother'.

As other poets took their turn they, each one, did their bit.
Peter Mace rode ‘Turbulance’ - H and Janes’ song was a hit.
Someone did CJ Dennis, ahh my favourite, ‘The Play’.
It’s brilliant. (How I wish that one day I could write that way.)

A major disappointment, Carol Heuchan’s booked elsewhere.
She sent Kym her apology and said it wasn’t fair
that she had missed the party and missed meeting everyone.
Sent cheer up messages to Kym and hoped we all had fun.

Then Peeley did his 'Elvis' thing and stole the flamin' show.
He's from the bush but he's no country bumpkin you should know.
He sang a bit and swung his hips and made the ladies shiver
then finished up his stage time with 'The Man From Snowy River'.

At a table in a corner drinking milkshakes in a glass
was brooding brother Bernard. His dark glasses gave him class.
But as the night got older he began to sway and hum.
The milkshake is a decoy it was laced with Bundy Rum.

Time flew. The night went on and we all had a bit to drink.
The girls met in the kitchen and all gathered by the sink.
Then Zondrae got all teary and asked them all 'Why Me'?
… all began a while ago, and damn that apple tree!

*note the reference to David Meyers who passed away very recently.

some of those mentioned no longer 'play' with us. Some are from the Bush verse site and some are performers from my neck of the woods. In any case, if this party were to ever be put together - I'm there. - It would have to be a three stage event. I will also post my poem 'Why Me' for those who are newer to the ''club".

Re: Kym's Party

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:54 pm
by Heather
I saw this when it was on the old site Zondrae and thought it was a hoot. I thought you had written it.

Re: Kym's Party

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:03 pm
by Zondrae
Well Heather,
I did put it together and I did write a good bit of it but there was a lot of 'other author' input so I don't really consider it wholly mine. It is a hoot though and each of the poets I have included really are portrayed by their own trademark. Some of them frequent this site but some don't. Can't recall if I have showed it to any of them.

For example 'Campbell The Swaggie'. I'm sure he does not have access to a computer and I don't think he would be computer literate... but you never know. He may well be a genius/millionaire in disguise. That would explain how he just 'appears' at Festivals. He has no car or bike or horse but he arrives silently and no one actually sees him walk in or out. He is just not there - then he is.

Re: Kym's Party

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:44 am
by thestoryteller
Well I believe it did cheer Kym up.

The Storyteller.

Re: Kym's Party

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:06 am
by Irene
Great to read it again Zondrae
There was another to do with a party some where along the line. Must see if I can find it again one day.


Re: Kym's Party

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:57 pm
by David J Delaney
G'day Zondrae, yes, got a real kick out of reading this again, thanks for the chuckle, needed today. :lol: :lol:

Re: Kym's Party

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:21 pm
by Peely
G'day All

I have managed to find a copy of the original of this on the bushverse website. The thread is well worth a look, if you would like to see how the poem grew. You can view it at: ... 031.0.html

I hope the original authors don't mind me posting the completed version here. I have added in the initials of the contributors and listed them below the poem.


John Peel

Collaboration for Mad Mare
(Written over the period of 4th to 7th May 2007)

My poor old mate Kym Eitel she's been getting bored they say
So rang a few bush poets and I said to them that day.
"Hey grab a slab and head for Kyms, a party's going down,
We have to cheer the mad mare up she's wearing one big frown.

Bush poets came from everywhere, they heard Merv's desperate call
With food and drink and spoken verse, the whole crowd had a ball
And Kym was there rejoicing as the centre of attention.
A great time there - so if you're bored, you've only got to mention.

The grey one and the silver fox - sent out a call, it's true,
to all the online poets who might cheer a poet blue.
So each one tried to do our bit and offer up a line
I'll bring some chips and dips and snags and you can bring the wine.

The music started cranking and the drinks were flowing free
when Silver Fox decided to embark upon a spree
of rollicking, great aussie yarns and racing, rhyming verse
and soon there was a steady stream of poems quite diverse.

Now Manfred took his 'geetar' for some music and some song,
The Grey, he made up all his verse just as he went along,
And Zondrae spoke quite beautifully with metrical precision,
And Bernie, deep and meaningful-with-a-few-extra-syllables-because-there-was no time for revision.

Amid all this hilarity and sayings full of whit
There was no time to write a line or comment on it
Then the neighbours started whingeing about all the fun
So they got an invitation and came over at the run

'Twas Irene who suggested, in a burst of inspiration,
That Silver Fox should be up front and lead this celebration.
In spite of inexperience he thought he'd have a go,
But trying bluegrass on trombone, he nearly wrecked the show.

But still we all appreciate his courage in the lead.
"Let's all join in and do our bit!' we heard this fellow plead.
So Merv got up to do his gig, and Zondrae volunteered
to do a few recitals as the poets loudly cheered.

But I was in the desert doing what I'm paid to do,
at a grubby little settlement that's known as Yuendamu.
I didn't know you had a bash for our old mate the mare,
you should'a told me earlier, I would'a made it there!

Then Peeley did his 'Elvis' thing and stole the blinkin' show.
He's from the bush but he's no country bumpkin you should know.
He sang a bit and swung his hips and made the ladies shiver
then finished up his stage time with 'The Man From Snowy River'.

Next to the mike Vic Jefferies - although he didn't need it.
His velvet voice could sooth wild beasts. He seems to keep it fit.
Reciting about mateship with his 'Bluey, Jack and Me'
then pushed his hat back on his head and had a cup of tea.

And next Frank Daniel to the floor to spin a yarn or two.
He says himself, of lies he tells that only half are true.
Although I know that mostly, when he's talking of his youth,
the yarns he tells of farming days and wagging school are truth.

We woulda brought a stanza to our Kymmie’s birthday show
but here we both sit ostracised & euphemised you know.
'Twas just a little harmless joke, a trifle overdurn"
and "Murder! Bloody murder!" yelled the man from Wedderburn.
GP & C

Then someone talked Therese into reciting one of hers-
it seems it's not a happening that very oft' occurs.
She chose to tell that lovely pome from last months competition.
You'd have to say she did a most exceptional rendition.

I'm here Irene, I'm busy though,
'cos someone's got to feed this show -
I've put out cakes and samboy chips,
some mini quiche and cobb loaf dips.

I've gotta go, so much to do!
Did someone say they need the loo?
"It's down the hall and to the right ..."
yeah sure, you all can stay the night!"

I'm running like a chook on fire -
the rubbish bin is getting higher.
The washing up is getting deep -
I think I heard the timer beep!

I've gotta go, I've gotta go -
the garlic bread just burned you know.
But that's OK, I've got heaps more ...

What's that Irene? Is Glenny here?
Well, quickly - let her in my dear!
Gidday there croc - just slither in
and join our happy, noisy din.

We've missed you both, we're glad your back,
hey, what's that in your esky pack?
Kahlua! That's my fav'rite drink -
just leave those dishes in the sink!

Appearing in a corner, as if just from thin air
is Campbell 'Swaggie' Irving on his way to - who knows where.
He heard about the party from somebody or other
and thought he'd come and warm us with 'Spiritual Earth Mother'.

It's not really a party til someone plays the clown
and we were really privileged 'cause Greg North was in town.
With 15 different hats, at least, contained in his suit case
a classic entertainer, perfect accents, rubbery face.

Then as the night went on and we all had a bit to drink
the girls met in the kitchen and all gathered by the sink.
Then Zondrae got all teary and asked them all 'Why Me'? all began a while ago, and damn that apple tree!

MW = Merv Webster
TC = Tom Chapman
ZK = Zondrae King
IC = Irene Conner
JH = James Hasson
RM = Ross Magnay
GP = Glenny Palmer
C = croc
KE = Kym Eitel

Re: Kym's Party

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:03 pm
by Zondrae
Brilliant John,

RIP James Hasson.

You didn't have the date of the poem did you John? I have May 2007.

Re: Kym's Party

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:40 pm
by Peely
G'day Zondrae

The poem was written over the period of the 4th to the 7th of May 2007. I have edited this into the above.


John Peel

Re: Kym's Party

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:57 pm
by Irene
Ah, that brings back memories!! What a great party that was!!! :lol: ;)

John, you did well to find that amongst everything on the site!! Thanks.
