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Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:16 am
by Terry
Hope this ones OK
I was thinking of doing this weeks homework but somehow this popped out. - Terry


I’ve heard some swearing in my time from experts in that field
and just to show I’m fair, I’ll keep identities concealed.
Old ‘What’s it’ for example was a learned bloke of sorts
but when he started cursing he would darn near melt the quartz.

His eloquence was talked off out in pubs from near and far
and when the amber stuff was flowing; ‘What’s it’ was the star.
He had a perfect rhythm and maintained it all the time,
but like the modern poet, never bothered much with rhyme.

Now with my wife I’m very careful, how I choose a word
and try my best to not let slip the things I might have heard.
For swearing is contagious even for the likes of me
and soon you’re swearing with them as I’m sure you’ll all agree.

I have a mate I fish with, and he knows a word or two,
but most of them are swear words ‘cause he’s evil through and through.
I‘ll leave home cleansed of naughty words determined not to wilt,
but long before much time has passed I’m wracked again with guilt.

There was another chap I knew, we’ll call him ‘Foul Mouth Bill’,
because he always used a word; I’m sure he’d use it still.
He must have known a few words; though he mostly used just one
and never mind the company, for out that word would come.

He had a mate called ‘Tbone’ who was pretty handy too,
until he’s taught a lesson by some Sheila passing through.
He gave his usual mouthful to this gorgeous little pet
and got it back in spades; poor ‘Tbone’s’ not recovered yet.


T.E. Piggott © 12/10/2010


Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:20 pm
by Heather
Very funny Terry. It can be easy to pick up a word or two when you hear it all the time but then it can be very embarrassing when you use it in the wrong company. Best not to start.

Heather :)


Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:22 pm
by Neville Briggs
I like that Terry,a bit of fun with a sort of serious intent I think.



Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:02 pm
by Terry
Hi Heather,
What's that they say about bad habits, and swearing is one of them and so easy pick up, if you want a real education about swearing just stand outside a high schools as the kids come out, and the girls are as bad as the boys. Thanks for the comment.


G/day Neville,
It's good to have a look on the lighter side occasionally, Mind you when it comes to swearing I've know some real masters of the art. They don't make them like they used to mate. Glad you enjoyed it.

Cheers Terry


Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:20 pm
by Leonie
Good one Terry. It's true isn't it, we can become desensitized to swearing pretty quickly and start to pick it up ourselves. Been guilty of that myself.


Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:55 pm
by Terry
Hi Leonie,
I know what you mean, I try to restrict myself to the odd b----y at home, but get out with a mate and the next thing you know the odd badie slips out.
I've been told it comes about because of the inability to express yourself clearly. Well I don't know about that because both 'WHAT'S IT' & old 'TBONE' etc, were certainly pretty good at clearly expressing themselves.

Cheers Terry


Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:28 pm
by Suzanne
Hi Terry This one made me smile. It reminded me of my son when he came back after six weeks on a mining/construction site. Before that he hardly ever swore.



Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:53 pm
by Terry
G/day Suzanne,
It seems to be almost inevitable that sooner or later we turn up somewhere where swearing is the norm and no matter how hard we try to resit sooner or later some of it starts to rub off. Glad you got a smile out of it.

Cheers Terry


Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:02 am
by r.magnay
G'day Terry, another good one it certainly seems to be a far more acceptable form of expression these days and I must admit I am as guilty as the next bloke!
Funny you should mention the mines Suzanne, I worked underground for awhile, and I remember standing outside the 'ballroom' listening to a couple of miners having a conversation, if you had taken out the swearing it would have been pretty much silent!

*Ballroom- a large or should I say very large area that had been excavated and was now used as a storage facility for ore and plant...about 500 feet below ground.


Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:10 am
by Neville Briggs
r.magnay wrote:if you had taken out the swearing it would have been pretty much silent!
That's it Ross. !!

My main distaste for swearing comes from the fact that it does not, as some suppose, enliven our speech. It does the opposite, like some sort of ugly parasite sucks the life and meaning out of our speech.
And Ross, you have seen it happen.

A well written poem Terry. As for the sentiments.....hmm
