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Re: The Shack

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:43 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Very funny Marty (bad) boy - do not take any notice of him Troy - we are twins - only a Mother can tell us apart. :lol:

Due to computer malfunctions of a major dimension I was cloned. Just when I had lost heaps of weight I popped up twice - so you see I am now to all intents and purposes larger than life. Sometimes life just isn't fair - and as I am getting older I am shrinking in height - so I am never going to beat this weight/height ratio thingy. :(

Such is life



Re: The Shack

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:01 pm
by Irene
Welcome Troy
I very much enjoyed your poem, and you have conveyed your sentiments well.
Look forward to reading more.


Re: The Shack

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:49 pm
by Glenny Palmer
Goodonya Troy! I well recall my first public airing of one of my poems. (It takes real courage so well done.) It was sometime last century & on the Longyard stage...(terrifying at the time.) My hand was shaking so I could hardly read it; my left leg was visibly vibrating (embarrassing); my mouth was dry & my hands were sweating & my heart was doing backflips. And guess what? With the great support & encouragement of this 'rag tag' mob I actually graduated to performing (from memory) on international stages. This not a 'look at me' brag.....just to impress upon you how we all started in exactly the same place you did/are. This is a no pressure zone & a tremendous resource for every Aussie bard. I like your poem very much. Work is in progress to post my tutorial on this site & it should be a help for you to learn how to structure for the best results. I am always available to answer queries or offer advice. (very good at that.... being an old sheila with the answers to solve all the world's problems.)
What impresses me most is your age....thank heavens we have young writers like you to keep the passion burning & our legacy progressing.

Looking forward to seeing more of your work. (and your English is streets ahead of many...)

Glenny Palmer (the 'one' Glenny, eh Marty? It seems to be catching on....)

Re: The Shack

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:06 am
by David J Delaney
Congratulations Troy, I too wasn't confident in posting my poems here onsite, but I'm glad I did, the help, suggestions & encouragment has me to where I am now. You'll do well here mate.


Re: The Shack

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:37 am
by Dave Smith
Yer Welcome, a very nice sentiment I am familiar with beach shacks and kids, some of the folk here write real good and others of us (me) a bit rough, but as long as you can handle a poke in the ribs you will get a lot of help here (that is if you need it) and when your not writing sit back and enjoy the banter.

TTFN Dave.? Or perhaps it’s Dave.hmm 8-)
Marty's got me confused. :?

Re: The Shack

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:01 am
by warooa
Hey Troy . . that's confused Dave on the left, having his legs worshipped by the bloke in the orange vest.

Re: The Shack

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:36 am
by Zondrae
G'day Dave,

AaaaH! Which Marty would that be?

There is Dave the ex-(I think) Truckie, and Dave the travelling man (who recommended my books to a lovely young lady in WA). and then there's Marty who lives far, far north and Marty (boy) who works in Canberra. I think there is another Marty but not sure. However there is only one Zondrae and I still get forgotten.

Re: The Shack

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:49 am
by Leonie
There's only one Leonie as well (as far as I know) and Zondrae and I were both forgotten, oh well, them's the breaks. :D I didn't forget you Zondrae.

Welcome Troy, feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the welcomes yet? :? Probably still more to come mate. :D

Re: The Shack

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:51 am
by warooa
and then there's the eclectic Dave Emo . . who's colourful satire is sorely missed. Emo?

far northern man Marty (who's surely younger than Martyboy)

Re: The Shack

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:26 am
by Zondrae
oh Dear, - sorry,

Really, there are two Zondraes. My first born is named Zondrae but she doesn't come near this site.